It seems that as a society we’ve started to despise, not understand and not feel what the other feels. We only tackle dominating groups, only with the elite and we forget the most vulnerable part of society, we forget marginalized groups. I would say so, because we left them like that, by not being equal, by having superiority we’ve made it so that many characters don’t fight. We’ve concluded who the loser is without the game starting.
Illustration: Argjira Kukaj
It seems that as a society we’ve started to despise, not understand and not feel what the other feels. We only tackle dominating groups, only with the elite and we forget the most vulnerable part of society, we forget marginalized groups. I would say so, because we left them like that, by not being equal, by having superiority we’ve made it so that many characters don’t fight. We’ve concluded who the loser is without the game starting.
At the formation of everyone’s character, many factors have an impact and it’s not easy at all to have a formed personality. Of the main impacting factors are the environment and family conditions the child is raised in, school, peers, teachers, acquaintances, organizations and the group they’re part of. And also the role literature, films, profession and success in the profession, social position, the culture they’re raised and live in, the community social system etc. These are seen as some of the key factors from the psychology of personality. From here we see that the dominating factor is always the other who impacts us more than anything else. The environment, circle and society are three inseparable factors that leave indelible marks in our personality formation.
It seems that as a society we’ve started to despise, not understand and not feel what the other feels. We only tackle dominating groups, only with the elite and we forget the most vulnerable part of society, we forget marginalized groups. I would say so, because we left them like that, by not being equal, by having superiority we’ve made it so that many characters don’t fight. We’ve concluded who the loser is without the game starting.
But each of us should have awareness for any kind of distinction and be part of the game. And then see how we can together play a good game. To not stop at every distinction, I’d like to talk about children with autism and our behavior towards them. Maybe there are those who think that measures should be taken by institutions for creating better conditions for opening integrating centers and find ways for inclusion and equality. And something like that would be true.
Djellza Shala, a teacher of children with autism noted that “we should be trained that as a society to be prepared and study while having patience towards their integration because improvement is possible if we give courage, are supportive and don’t leave them alone”. She says that we should never hurry to see results. They’re small but if they’re continuous, they’re the change we expect and love. About the question on what the main difficulties these children face, she noted that it’s the lack of love from family and society. She says that as a teacher she’s often heard parents stopping children from socializing with autistic children, and there’s nothing more offensive than seeing a child get distant without knowing why. The wellbeing of these children is largely impacted by these reactions and she says that the biggest harm is precisely from society even though we defend them, we still hurt them. According to Mrs. Shala and the psychologist Qëndresa the best possible choice is “Continous motivation, careful conversations and treatment. The best solution is also to make it clear to those children that they aren’t exempt, they’re the same as all of us, we should just give them trust”.
About the author: Krenare Ukaj is a 22 years old from Deçan.
This activity is supported by Engagement for Equity Program – E4E, financed by United States Agency for International Development – USAID, and implemented by Advocacy Training and
Resource Center –ATRC.